Take time out to enjoy..

Take time out to enjoy..
Relax, renew, regain, regrow, reflect

Monday, October 17, 2011

Art .. art.. wherefore art thy?...

Huge, huge big Aboriginal art works.. these all come from Bond University.. what a lifeline storyline each one talk of!

Texture and amazing colors..

Simple patterns yet so complex..

And each painting has a beginning dreamline, and an end dreamline.. do you know where your dreamline journeys lead you forth?..
Many a famous artist has painted the Arc..just to strut down this Boulevard makes huge memories!
Subject such as a simple everyday necessity becomes well remembered as Iconic ..
Every little girl dreams to be a ballerina one day!.. alas.. I did as well, .. this picture tells me such a sad story of that dream however !

Aah.. Greek Islands.. souvlakia, baklavia, ooza, rose and happy memories!
No matter your style of art.. it remains a very stimulating hobby.. totally absorbing, and very rewarding.. EVERYBODY has an artist within.. seek till its found! Get painting, drawing - now is the hour!

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