Take time out to enjoy..

Take time out to enjoy..
Relax, renew, regain, regrow, reflect

Friday, October 7, 2011

Discovering KOTO.. Know One Teach One..

KOTO Know One Teach One

KOTO stands for Know One, Teach One and reflects our belief that if you’re in a position where you can help someone less fortunate then you should help them. The greatest thanks you can receive is to one day see that person be in a position to do the same for someone else. KOTO staff experience this everyday as we see trainees grow from timid, shy teenagers into young adults who are not only sought after as hospitality professionals, but also well-rounded, responsible community-minded citizens ready to embrace the challenges that lie ahead. Experiencing this growth is thanks enough for our hard work.

In January 2010 KOTO opened a new training centre, KOTO Saigon in Ho Chi Minh City. It is pleasing to see these founding philosophies so prominent in the hearts, minds and actions of the new team of staff and trainees. It’s very exciting to see a new chapter in KOTO’s story being written and we hope it’s the first step towards establishing KOTO training centres and restaurants outside of Vietnam.

KOTO Fast Facts
KOTO is a not-for-profit restaurant and vocational training program that is changing the lives of street and disadvantaged youth in Vietnam
KOTO operates Hanoi Restaurant and Training Program and KOTO Saigon (HCMC) Training Centre and Restaurant
KOTO’s unique 24-month program combines hospitality and English-language training with the development of life skills
KOTO’s hospitality training curriculum is provided by the Box Hill Institute Victoria
KOTO aims to produce graduates who are not only well skilled and highly employable, but also ‘well-rounded’ individuals
KOTO International Limited is a not for profit organization in Australia that supports The KOTO Project in Vietnam
All funds raised in Australia through events, sponsorships and donations go directly to support the KOTO project in Vietnam

KOTO Hanoi was founded in 2000 by Australian Jimmy Pham and has since evolved from a small sandwich shop to a 120-seat restaurant
KOTO is now recognised for its quality training centres and dynamic restaurant and its effective grassroots development project that is breaking the cycle of poverty.
Contact details -
PO Box 275
Mount Waverley
Victoria 3149 Au
Tel:             +61 403879314      
Super cookery book.. to be totally recommended. 

 I'm visiting Saigon in November and will be sure to stop by for a meal or two or three..

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