Take time out to enjoy..

Take time out to enjoy..
Relax, renew, regain, regrow, reflect

Thursday, November 24, 2011

High days and special holidays..

A very grateful thanksgiving to all who celebrate this wonderful holiday..  hope the turkey talks loudly and is throughly enjoyed by all..  salute.. cheers..
Graham Greene Dacquarie - delicious!!! served to me sitting around a stunning pool in Hanoi @ Metropole Sofitel... ooh aah!
This was the Singapore Sling I bought from Harry's bar at Singapore Airport.. I've got the recipe if anybody's interested... ?.. yes indeed,.. very delicious as well.. 

Cheers to all... happy Thanksgiving.. I'm truly grateful for so many things in my life today..
A loyal husband who loves and supports me well,
A very happy, content and blessed family, with a new granddaughter soon to be arriving,
A beautiful home.. my passion is decor..
5 trips to Vietnam in 2012... want details?...
A mother who is still very active, and well at 85 and Skype's, emails, and f/books me regularly, she lives in Cape town... I live in Brisbane Au...
A fridge full of choices of meals.. gosh, in light of today's starvation and hungry I truly am blessed,
Many many great friends that I get to share and enjoy their friendship with on  a regular basis..
Two sisters and their families, though we live far apart.. we're still connected! 
A heavenly Father who watches over me and cares for me..

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