Take time out to enjoy..

Take time out to enjoy..
Relax, renew, regain, regrow, reflect

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Did you ever meet Jemina Puddleduck?

What a classic story this is.. do you remember it?... as you're most probably aware.. I have a very adorable granddaughter Willow.. soooooooo....

I made a fabric book for her.. just like the one I gave to her mum when she was a baby, . and just like the one my mum gave me..

It came out sooo professional looking .. I was sooo chuffed with it.. I bought it as a flat panel.. and had to make up the x8 pages.. it was such fun.. I'm thinking of taking orders to produce them en masse!
The print is so entertaining.. I am certain Willow will enjoy it for many years.. 
In fact.. its already been delivered to her in Sydney.. enjoy it honey.. every stitch is stitch with LOVE.. xx Nonna


  1. Dear Willow
    You are a very lucky little girl to have such a talented Ouma! Imagine having a material book all to yourself ! Treasure it sweet girl!

    This little message comes all the way from your Great Aunty Haze in South Africa(the land of sunshine,sunny skies and rugby)

  2. Thanks Great Aunty Haze.. in Cape Town.. miss you heaps! xx Nonna (Ouma).. OJ.. love you !!!
