Take time out to enjoy..

Take time out to enjoy..
Relax, renew, regain, regrow, reflect

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Happy weekend ya all.. Stay safe Vietnam friends..

Pull up a seat.. Relax..  take the load off.. and rest a while.. its weekend..
In light of the approaching typhoon .. thinking good and safe thoughts for all friends in Vietnam..
stay strong, and stay safe.. 
 A special weekend too.. remembrance Sunday.. so take time to remember.. and reflect.. and  rejoice
 Refresh your self with new growth.. new summer flowers.. 
 Sip a cocktail or two and regain energy for next week's chores.. 

 Enjoy some regrowth from your garden.. its cheaper than buying fresh flowers in this heat! 
  From my house to yours..  have a great weekend..  allow the sunshine to fill your heart 

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