Take time out to enjoy..

Take time out to enjoy..
Relax, renew, regain, regrow, reflect

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Decor Saturday.. are you a chair animal ?

indochine rattan chair
 chinese chippendale chairs - obsession.
i absolutely want these chinese chippendale chairs as dining chairs in my house.  i can't convince anyone to use them in any of my interior design projects.  i love them!!
 I am loving the Chinese Chippendale look... Any bamboo furniture ideas out there?
  There seems to be mainly Chippendale Chairs on my mind..
Have a great weekend..

From my house to yours.. may all your chairs be comfy..  relax sit and contempt MUCH! 


  1. Hi , found you through Rajee's blog ...... Best wishes from Townsville !

  2. Hello Priyanka, thanks for visiting my blog.. I just love Rajee's blog.. she's sooo clever! enjoy the warmth of Townsville.. Brisbane has been quite cool the past few days.. please visit again, rgds j
